COSI-Summer School
on Decision Aiding
Mokrane Bouzeghoub is a full professor in Computer Science at the University of Versailles where he gives courses on Databases, Information Systems and Software Engineering. Prof. Bouzeghoub led many research and industrial projects on databases, information systems and software engineering. He published several papers in different journals and conferences and three main books on database systems, object technology and information systems design. He also published several conference proceedings. He participated as a program committee member of many national and international conferences, such as VLDB, EDBT, E-R Conceptual Modeling, CoopIS, and CAiSE. Prof. Bouzeghoub was also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering of Information Systems and co-editor in chief of the Networking and Information Systems Journal. He was Guest-editor of the Data and Knowledge Engineering Journal (special issue of NL applications to DB) and a Guest-co-editor of the International Journal on Information Systems (special issue on data extraction and cleaning). His current research interests are on data integration, data quality, service discovery and data access based on user profiling. For more details, see
Dr Idir Gouachi has gained his PhD since 1998 and joined COSYTEC’s research and developpement team in 1999. He worked on the CHIP kernel, and developed new features, in particularly an oriented business constraints language. In addition to developping industrial applications at COSYTEC he is also involved in French and European research projects with academic and industrial partners. He became responsible of CHIP product and he is in charge of industrial collaboration between universities and COSYTEC. He is also consultant in CHIP modelisation and provides CHIP courses to academic and industrial CHIP customers. His research interests are centred on th eimplementation ofconstraint solvers and the developement of decision-making applications. For more detais, see
Dr Youssef Hamadi is the head of the Constraint Reasoning Group in Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC). His research interests include combinatorial optimization in alternative frameworks: parallel, distributed and reconfigurable architectures. He is also interested in the application of machine learning to search. More generally his current focus is on adaptive search algorithms, workflow engines and propositional satisfiability. Youssef Hamadi did his Ph.D. in the University of Montpellier CNRS/LIRMM (France). The subject of his thesis was the "Processing of distributed constraint satisfaction problems". After that he joined the Online Planning team of Thales working on telecom applications. Then he moved to work at HP labs on automated contract negotiation. He is involved in many industrial projects. For more details, see
Frédéric Messine is an associate professor in computer science and applied mathematics at the engineering school ENSEEIHT of Toulouse, France. He passed his master degree in 1993 and his PhD thesis in computer science in September 1997. From 1998 to 2004 he was an associate professor at the University of Pau (France). In February 2006, he passed his habilitation diploma. He does researches on exact global optimization algorithms and applied it to solve inverse problem of the design of electromechanical actuators since 1995 via collaboration with the LEEI-UMR 5828, CNRS, Toulouse. He also solves numerically some open problems in planar geometry via collaboration with the GERAD-Montréal, Canada, yielding the determination of four small octagons; most of these problems were opened since 1922. For details,
Jean-Marc Petit is a professor in computer science at the engineering school INSA-Lyon, France. From september 1997 to august 2005, he was an associate professor at the University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University Claude Bernard in 1996 and graduated in computer science from the University Claude Bernard and the Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon ("Magistère") in 1993. Prof. Petit has served many times as a program committee member of international workshops/conferences. His main research interests concern databases and data mining. For more details, see
Mohammed Said Radjef is a full professor in Operational Research at the University of Bejaia, where he gives courses on nonlinear programming, multicriteria optimization and game theory. He gave courses on decision theory at the university of Tizi-ouzou and at the “Ecole militaire polytechnique”, of Bordj El Bahri. Prof Radjef is the head of the research team: Cybernetic Methods and Optimization in the laboratory LAMOS, and the Master of applied mathematics: Mathematical Modelling and decision techniques. He supervised several research projects and participated to different national and international conferences on decision problems, such as COSI, MOAD, IFIP, ISDG, MCDM, EURO, etc.... He participated as an expert in different national evaluation committees of research and pedagogy. His main research areas remain: multicriteria analysis and game theory.